Monday, November 12, 2007

Benefits of the Dead Sea Salts

Since biblical times, the Dead Sea has been famous for its miraculous healing qualities. As science is finding out, the theory that this specific body of water is special is much more than just folklore or hype. It appears that the unique qualities of the Dead Sea do translate into ingredients that are not only beneficial to the skin, but can provide healing for skin conditions such as psoriasis, eczema and acne. This knowledge has brought many people with a variety of ailments to the banks of the Dead Sea, where there are numerous spas and treatment centers set up to help people with any number of medical problems, or simply to soak in the positive benefits that the air and the water of the region can bring. However, if you can’t afford to take a trip to the Middle East to see this phenomenon for yourself, you can now bring the Dead Sea to you in the form of beauty products that you can purchase and use in the privacy of your own home.

Why the Dead Sea?

At approximately 400 meters below sea level, the Dead Sea is the lowest natural place on earth. This results in a dense air that can actually filter dangerous UV rays, making it an effective location to soak up the sun without a danger of sunburn. This is one reason why this area is so beneficial for psoriasis sufferers. The water of the Dead Sea has the highest concentration of salt within it, which is nearly ten times greater than the salt content that is found in ocean water. This is why no plant or animal can survive life in the Dead Sea, but also why the water has so many beneficial qualities for the skin. The composition of the water is also unique, because it contains calcium, magnesium and potassium, in addition to the salt found in other waters. These characteristics combine to make the Dead Sea almost magical in its ability to soothe and heal the skin and body. Studies have shown that while salt baths are generally beneficial for psoriasis sufferers, bathing with Dead Sea salts can be particularly beneficial. Positive results have also been seen with people who have skin conditions like eczema and acne.

Even if you don’t have a particular skin condition that you want to treat, Dead Sea salt products can exfoliate your skin, clean your pores, and help rid your skin of toxins. Some users find that these products are a natural and healthy way to reduce the look of wrinkles as well. If you would like to try out Dead Sea salt products on your own skin, you will not have to look as far as Israel for your beauty supplies. In fact, you may only have to travel as far as your local beauty supply outlet, or let your fingers do the walking on the Internet. You will be able to find products such as bath salts, scrubs, masks and body wraps. Take your body on a trip to the Dead Sea today, right from the comfort of your own bathroom, and enjoy the healing and therapeutic benefits that these salts can bring.

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